Words and music by Dennis Livingston WATCH A VIDEO
of song: 3:24 Song
Mid-tempo inspirational Key(s):
D major to C major to G major to D
major Note
A below middle C to B above middle
C About
the song:
in response to the events of 9/11/01, the
song is a reminder of the fragile threads
that are vital in forming and giving
meaning to what we think of as an ordinary
day. In a series of vignettes
that pass in each verse from morning to
evening, the lyrics depict the commonplace
miracles that we habitually take for
granted from both the natural world and
the routine flow of human societies. In an
ordinary day, we wake up to a life in
which children head for school, people
gather for lunch, the beauty of a sunset
can be observed and the transactions of
everyday life occur as expected. By its
very nature, the song also carries an
implicit sub-text. For much of the world,
including many Americans, an "ordinary"
day is one fraught with violence, fear,
hunger, grinding poverty, little or no
schooling, shattered buildings and
pervasive insecurity. The song, then, is a
celebration of and a prayer for the
amazing occurrence of days that are
ordinary in the former sense. Gender
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