page contains a list of recent and forthcoming
performances of my songs. If you schedule a
performance, be sure to let me know in advance so I
can help publicize your show. CONTACT
to send information. PERFORMER(S) SONG(S) VENUE/ DATE(S) Brian De Lorenzo Set of 12 selections “BACA Invitation Songwriters Performance Showcase” 9/25/16 "Out of the Box: Set of 14 selections 10/8/11 It's Time For Roses An Ordinary Day Lua Hadar It's Time For Roses Octavia Lounge 1/16/06 Aimee Doherty Springtime In Boston Boston Sings Boston IV 11/6, 7, 14, 15/05 Lua Hadar It's Time For Roses Larkspur Café Theater 11/4/05 Chrys Alam Every Time I Look At You The Blacksmith House 10/14/05 Will McMillan An Ordinary Day The Blacksmith House 9/17/05 Gregory Wiest It's Time For Roses Movimento 7/10/05 Sandi Durell Springtime In Boston "ASCAP-MAC Songwriters Showcase" 5/25/05 Sandi Durell Springtime In Boston New York Sheet Music Society 5/14/05 Steven Nash An Ordinary Day Wilf's Cabaret & Restaurant 4/20 & 27/05 Mary Sheeran Too Many Books! Don't Tell Mama 4/16/05 Mary Sheeran An Ordinary Day Danny's Skylight Room 2/17/05 Steven Nash An Ordinary Day Wilf's Cabaret & Restaurant 9/7 & 9/14/04 Kate Bisantz An Ordinary Day "Summer Shorts Festival" 8/28 & 9/3/04 Susan Allen An Ordinary Day "Stop The Presses II" 6/13/04 David Gauci Get Out On Your Own Dante's Restaurant 4/30-5/1/04 The Kitchenettes It's Time For Roses The Purple Onion Spring/04 Will McMillan An Ordinary Day "Boston Cabaret Festival" 3/28/04 Sophia Bilides Brookline Wassail Center for Arts 12/19/03 Lua Hadar It's Time For Roses Martuni's, Thick Tuesday's, Pena Pacha Mama 7/6/03,
7/8/03, 8/7/03 (respectively) Brandon Cutrell An Ordinary Day "ASCAP-MAC
Songwriters' Showcase" 6/3/03 Will McMillan An Ordinary Day The Blacksmith House 3/28 & 4/12/03 Frank Gayton, Sean Roper, Melinda Stanford An Ordinary Day Centastage presents 3/03 (6 performances) The Cretaceous Cabaret Mesa Southwest Museum 2/22,
3/22, 4/26, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30/03 Sophia Bilides Brookline Wassail The Blacksmith House 12/20/02 The Cretaceous Cabaret Centers of Learning by the Sea 12/12
& 12/14/02 Janet Mehlhop & Maura Thill Brookline Wassail Thick Tuesdays 12/10/02 Anthony Santelmo, Jr. An Ordinary Day Judy's Chelsea Fridays
in 11/02 Ed Williamson Thank You For Taking The Cat St. Edmund's Church 9/28/02 Jon Blackstone, Gregory Bouchard My Lucky Day I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song Centastage & New Opera & Musical Theater Initiative 6/22/02 6/29/02 Bill Brooks, Vickie Shaghoyan Every Time I Look At You Theater Resources Unlimited 6/24/02 Pam Tate An Ordinary Day Erv Raible presents: 3/11-5/20/02 Beverly Cosham Every Time I Look At You Blues Alley 2/26/02 Beverly Cosham Every Time I Look At You Roslyn Spectrum Theatre 12/15/01 Ida Zecco I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas Danny's Skylight Room 12/6/01 Wayne Sutton Every Time I Look At You Carta Restaurant 11/28/01 Jon Blackstone, Gregory Bouchard My Lucky Day Centastage & New Opera & Musical Theater Initiative 11/19-20 Beverly Cosham Every Time I Look At You Blues Alley 10/29/01 Wayne Sutton Every Time I Look At You Pairs Restaurant 10/18/01 Wayne Sutton Every Time I Look At You John Foley's Irish House 10/10/01 Stephen Cupo It's Time For Roses Washington, DC, Area Cabaret Network 6/16/01 Bryon Sommers & Barbara
Brussell The Storyteller NY Sheet Music Society 5/5/01 Michael Ricca Get Out On Your Own Cambridge Center for Adult Ed 4/26/01 Robert Saoud It's Time For Roses Don't Tell Mama 4/14/01 Brian De Lorenzo & Ida
Zecco Every Time I Look At You The Firehouse Center 3/25/01 Robert Saoud I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas The Lyric Stage 12/11-19/00 Scott Coulter I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas "ASCAP-MAC Songwriters' Showcase" 12/5/00 Scott Coulter It's Time For Roses The Genesius Guild 10/1/00 Chris Coleman It's Time For Roses The Firebird Café 6/30/00 Chris Coleman I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas Jermyn Street Theatre 12/19/99 Mary Monica Thomas I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas Gentry on Halsted 12/99 Dane Vannatter I'm Seeing My Children For Christmas The Lyric Stage 11-13/99 Dane Vannatter It's Time For Roses Regattabar/Charles Hotel 9/9/99 Jody Ebling I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song Beacon Resort 10/13/99 Jody Ebling I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song Nieman-Marcus 9/22/99 Jody Ebling I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song Florence Cohen Levine Estates 6/20/99 Jody Ebling I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song Daniel Webster Inn 6/10/99 Jody Ebling I Wish I Could Write A Simple Song John Carver Inn 6/29/99 The Cretaceous Cabaret (musical) Children's Museum 7/17-18/99 The Weaver & The Sea (musical) The Open Eye Theatre 7/29-8/8/99 From Tin Pan Alley To Silicon Valley (revue) The Blacksmith House 3/20-21/99 Dane Vannatter It's Time For Roses "ASCAP-MAC Songwriters' Showcase" 12/98 Chris Coleman It's Time For Roses Cabaret At Centre Stage 3
& 9/98 Dane Vannatter It's Time For Roses The Triad 10/17/97 |